Looking After Your Horses in the Winter Part Seven

By: admin on Thursday, August 25, 2011 | No Comments
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Likewise stallions for sale might require more food than other thoroughbred horses for sale as they are much more active and if you intend to race them and to train them then they’ll need the energy.

You should also look after your horse’s health generally. Remember that in the winter your horse will be using more energy to keep warm as we mentioned already. This means that like us, their immune systems are lower and they are more likely to become unwell. What you need to do in this scenario then is to make sure that you give them enough minerals and vitamins in order to keep their immune system healthy and give them more time to rest. What you also need to ensure is that you avoid letting your horse become exposed to germs. For instance if one horse is ill, then find a way to stall it separately to prevent the spread of germs (where possible).

Another important way to keep your horse healthy is to make sure that it has good shelter and places to stay. Here you need to consider your horses stall and shed outside in the pasture.

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