Looking After Your Horses in the Winter Part Ten

By: admin on Friday, August 26, 2011 | No Comments
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At the same time what this also means is that the horses will be in close quarters without much space and this makes disease and bacteria travel much faster. Think about how diseases spread at a hospital or on an airplane – if you seal your horses in then you are creating conditions more akin to this. That then means that your horse will be unable to breath well and more likely to get ill – fresh air circulating around the stall is more important than having the place completely sealed.

All this will be enough to make sure your horse is healthy and well during winter. Surprisingly then it is remarkably easy to keep horses well during the colder months and it means that anyone can benefit from horses for sale even if they aren’t experts at looking after them.

Finally though it is important to make sure you keep checking on your horses to make sure they are well and healthy. Look for signs of illness or weight loss in particular (feel around their ribs for a good idea of their weight) and then get them attention from a vet if necessary.

Looking After Your Horses in the Winter Part Nine

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At the same time as finding the horses for sale and the three sided shed then you also need to look into where you can buy a stall which will let you keep your horse dry and warm at night. There are some measures to take here. First of all to make sure your horse stays warm and dry in the stall you should put in some hay and straw which is insulating and soft for them to lie down on.

People who are new to horses and have only just found a horse for sale often make another mistake when it comes to their storing of horses. Here they will likely be concerned about their horses being cold and will therefore do everything they can to keep the stalls well insulated and prevent wind and air getting in – as they would for their own home.

Again though this is forgetting the important fact that horses are very different from people and that they have better natural defenses against the cold. By trapping the horse in the stall and sealing off all the air, what you actually do is to reduce the amount of moisture in the air and make it hard for them to breath.

Looking After Your Horses in the Winter Part Eight

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When your horses are out in the pasture then a three sided shed is a highly useful thing to have as it allows the horses to hide from the rain and to prevent themselves from getting wet. Remember that your horse’s coat does not work as well when it is wet as it flattens the fur and prevents it from being able to trap air to use as an insulator. Meanwhile rain can cause problems for a horse’s temperature in other ways – because it will steel the horse’s body heat in order to evaporate leaving them colder as a result.

This then means that you can let your horses roam free during the day and means that you don’t need to always be around to lead them to their stalls when it starts to rain – they will be able to take shelter themselves when they need it. When you find Andalusion horses for sale, Mustang horses for sale or any other horse for sale, then you need to also look into purchasing a three sided shed if you are keeping them on your land.

You also need to look into the stall which is where you will keep your horses at night.

Animaroo horse