The Distinct Breed Caspian Miniature Horse

By: admin on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 | No Comments
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The Caspian Horses delicate and refined look is deceiving. The Hardy and durable body of this Hot Blooded Arabian descendent is hidden under its delicate exterior presentation. History shows the Caspian as almost extinct at one point but in the 1960’s was revived and brought back to popularity. Sine then the breed has grown and many individuals love the breed dearly. The Caspian is also loved by many because they are a horse breed that is a social butterfly. They love to be around people and love to be given lots of attention. Most of all children love the breed because of the fact that this horse breed is perfect in size and many horse riding schools use them during training and learning. Because of the congeniality of this horse breed it is versatile for many uses that involve children and the use of this breed. There are many lovers of this horse breed and have been many lovers of this breed for years. The Caspian Horse lovers have several associations that have developed over the years and most individual owners belong to these associations and organizations. Many of the Caspian associations and organizations are considered non-profit as with most organizations and associations.

Animaroo horse